Mars sample program (Download)
#!/usr/bin/env mars
# Brainf*** Interpreter
# This is intended as a demonstration of the Mars programming language,
# particularly its turing completeness, its simple IO, and array manipulation.
# Note that at present, Mars does not allow files to be opened (only input is
# through stdin). This is similar to Brainf*** itself. In order to write
# Brainf*** in itself, authors commonly separate the code and data with a "!",
# as shown here:
# We take this same approach.
# This implementation is loosely based on the C++ algorithm at the above
# address. It has undefined behaviour in the following circumstances:
# - Non-matching brackets.
# - Using negative elements of the array, or elements beyond 30,000.
# It stores 0 on EOF, and has wrapping 256-valued cells.
import prelude
def array_size :: Num = 30000
# get_till_bang()
# Reads from stdin, storing the characters in an array.
# Stops reading once it sees a '!' character, or EOF. Consumes the '!'.
# Returns the array.
def get_till_bang() :: io Array(Num):
var s :: Array(Num)
var c :: Num
s = array(0, 0) # Empty array
c = get_char()
while and(c != eof, c != '!'): # while c != -1 and c != '!'
s = array_add(s, c)
c = get_char()
return s
# init_array()
# Creates a new array of size array_size, and initialises all elements to 0.
def init_array :: Array(Num) = array(array_size, 0)
# main program
def main() :: io Num:
var ip :: Num # Instruction pointer
var dp :: Num # Data pointer
var program :: Array(Num)
var array :: Array(Num)
# Read the file up until the '!'
program = get_till_bang()
array = init_array
# Execute the program
return main_loop(program, array)
# main_loop(program, array)
# Executes the program.
# Side-effects: stdin, stdout.
def main_loop(program :: Array(Num), array :: Array(Num)) :: io Num:
var c :: Num # Temporary character
var ip :: Num # Instruction pointer
var dp :: Num # Data pointer
ip = 0
dp = 0
while ip < array_length(program):
switch array_ref(program, ip):
case '>':
dp = dp + 1
case '<':
dp = dp - 1
case '+':
# array[dp]++
array = array_replace(array, dp, array_ref(array, dp) + 1)
case '-':
# array[dp]--
array = array_replace(array, dp, array_ref(array, dp) - 1)
case '.':
put_char(array_ref(array, dp))
case ',':
c = get_char()
if c == eof:
array = array_replace(array, dp, 0)
array = array_replace(array, dp, c)
case '[':
# Skip to ']' if false
if array_ref(array, dp) == 0:
ip = seek_close_bracket(program, ip, 1)
case ']':
# Skip to '[' if true
if array_ref(array, dp) != 0:
ip = seek_open_bracket(program, ip, 1)
case _:
ip = ip + 1
return 0
# Moves the program counter forwards, looking for a ']' to match '['.
# Returns the updated program counter.
# No side-effects.
def seek_close_bracket(program :: Array(Num), ip :: Num, nest :: Num) :: Num:
while nest > 0:
ip = ip + 1
switch array_ref(program, ip):
case '[':
nest = nest + 1
case ']':
nest = nest - 1
case _:
return ip
# Moves the program counter backwards, looking for a '[' to match ']'.
# Returns the updated program counter.
# No side-effects.
def seek_open_bracket(program :: Array(Num), ip :: Num, nest :: Num) :: Num:
while nest > 0:
ip = ip - 1
switch array_ref(program, ip):
case '[':
nest = nest - 1
case ']':
nest = nest + 1
case _:
return ip